Friday, October 28, 2011

Summer's Entertainment Entry #2

Here is anther poem I made by my self when I was running with my mom!

By Summy's Pic's

Swimming through the sand
Like fish on land
Scaly to the touch.

Like a patterned band
Of red, black and tan
I hate them very much!

Dogs, Dessert, And A Birthday

Here are some random pics of dogs, my dessert I made, and someone's birthday. Find out what I made and who's birthday it was by watching the slide show below! Enjoy!

Power House Helps Local School #2

Here is the second time a few of us from power house helped the school. We had even MORE fun!!! But sorry, no cat bones!

Power House Helps Local School

This past July, our Power House group volunteered to help garden at a local school! A few of us went, and had a blast! Afterwards, our youth group leader, Pastor Dante, treated us to Del Taco!

Sydney and Sofia 'Model'!

Here are some pics from Sydney and Sofia's latest visit in May, 2011! Sydney wanted to take pics, so she is not in many... Enjoy!

Davy in bed!

Guess who I found sleeping on the air mattress!!!

Just kidding! I posed him for this pic!

Sciences Fair @ RAA 2010

Here are some pics of the science fair RAA had in 2010! Enjoy!

Christmas Caroling 2010

Our Pathfinder group went caroling with our church and gave out gifts! Here is a slide show!