Monday, November 29, 2010

Cousins Sydney and Sophia Taylor Visit!

During Thanksgiving weekend, lots of relatives came over to my house. (You can see more pix of t-day on my dad's Facebook and i think he has a video on you tube) On Friday, (The day before I got baptized) everyone was back over at our house to cook. After everyone left, Sydney and Sophia got me to themselves! Sydney wanted to take some pix so some of hers are here, too.Enjoy some silly pix!

Sydney took this one... (she's 4.. I think...)
Also taken by Sydney...

More By Sydney

I think it should be the other way around!

Sydney wanted to take a pic of my room...

She also wanted to take a pic of one of our dogs, Roxy!

2 year old Sophia doing her silly face!


Sydney poses...

Also taken by Sydney




Guess who! Davy!

Enjoy x-mas pix of Davy!

Persimmon Piggy!

Here's my persimmon piggy! Like it? It was grown by my grandparents.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My flower arrangement from pathfinders.

Here's my flower arrangement I made in pathfinders! Like it?


Davy shows us how cute he can be...