Saturday, August 30, 2008

Martell watering hole

8-28-08: While the dad's were getting their body fat zapped and pinched by my dad, we kids had fun playing volley ball, swimming, and getting stung by bees! (me and Hannah)

A mermaid in the pool?
"Fetch the ring, Julia!"
"Nice underwater grin, Jonah!"
"Summer, I see you!"
Everyone had a blast playing volley ball in the pool and outside of it.

Yummy peaches that Aidan and Torin's grandparents grew.

Choi watering hole

8-23-08: We had a blast at the Choi's swimming in the heat while the parents were jamming on songs in the house.

My first underwater picture starring cuz'n Josh!
Nabi gets a nice scratching from Hannah

Caught in the action (I wonder if Jenny tastes good? Nabi seems to think so.)

Camp Mivoden

8-3-08: Here are just a FEW shots from our Family Camp at Camp Mivoden. I took a LOT more pictures but something has happened to my camera's memory card (my dad said something about being "corrupted"???) and I can't get the hundreds of pictures that I took. (My dad said that that is the "dark side of digital").

Anyway, here are some pictures that were from my second memory card. Enjoy!

"Guess who?"

"Oh, it's Carly!"

"Claire, the Gumby/flexible girl (teacher Emily had trouble with her craziness)"

"We're actually early?"